Young Life || Teacher Staff – Sofia, Bulgaria

Aug 1 2019 - Aug 1 2022


​Young Life is developing rapidly in Sofia, Bulgaria’s capital. This fast-paced town of two-million people is Bulgaria’s economic and cultural hub. ​Meridian 22 is an accredited International Baccalaureate Bulgarian School looking for an English teacher for middle school or high school for 15 class hours per week and would also like to develop Young Life at their school. Students have been learning English two hours per day since kindergarten at this school. The students wear uniforms and have very fun cultural norms making it a joy to teach them.

Bulgarian is a challenging language to learn, and Bulgarians are pleased when foreigners learn their language. They have a warm culture that is filled with new innovation.

This role would be to teach English to Bulgarian middle or high school students (15 class hours a week), learn the language and culture, and develop Young Life at this school using the tools: contact work, leader recruiting, club, camp and Campaigners. Sofia is primarily secular; however, there are some thriving churches, a core of national Young Life leaders, and the national developer living in Sofia for abundant support and supervision.

Sofia is located 30 minutes north of the Vitosha Mountains, four hours west of the Black Sea and four hours north of Thessaloniki, Greece.



  • ​Growing in your relationship with Jesus and in God’s grace.
  • Teaching middle or high school English.
  • Four levels of contact work (as described in the Young Life handbook).
  • Summer camping with kids.
  • Recruiting and training leaders.
  • Raising support.


  • ​Spiritual and emotional maturity.
  • Teaching experience or secondary educations degree.
  • Adventurous and adaptable attitude for a new culture.
  • Young Life volunteer leader experience required.
  • College degree required.


Housing supplements and cost of living adjustments help make living overseas affordable for international staff. In addition, staff may raise funds and be reimbursed for the purchase of a vehicle, an annual personal trip to see family, pre-K through 12th grade private school education for dependent children, language school, moving expenses, and a one-time bonus of up to two-months' salary.

How To Inquire: 

​If interested in learning more about this opportunity, please contact the Young Life's International employment coordinator at 800-330-0628 or [email protected]. To better help​ us serve you in your inquiry process, please send in a Resume and Cover Letter via email to [email protected].
Alison Spindor
(800) 330-0628


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